WHY Hong Kong
香港中文名字的意思是“帶著香氣的海港”。香港名附其實是一個美麗的國際大都會,擁有740萬人口。在經歷了150年的英國統治之後,在1997年香港中國第一個特別行政區(SAR)。擁有如此豐富及獨特的歷史,香港演變成一個東西方文化和新舊融合的城市。此外,《香港基本法》賦予宗教自由,令這成為一個戰略城市讓你能體驗多元文化和不同民族外展, 更是傳教士和宣教培訓的理想之地。
About YWAM Shanti Hong Kong
Our mission is to love our neighbours and empower the marginalized to reach their God-given potential. We believe every person, no matter the background, culture, or race is special and has a calling and destiny to impact the nations.
Shanti means “Peace” in Hindi. Founded in 2006, YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Shanti is a Christian non-profit organization focused on reaching refugees, immigrants, and ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, China. YWAM Shanti works along with local churches & NGOs in reaching the unreached.

YWAM Shanti Hong Kong is a registered nonprofit organization (Registration Number: IRO-88 91/11090)
Cross & Impact DTS is registered with YWAM’s University of the Nations.